This Next Thing I'm Writing About Is About A Few Bullies Who Can't Stop. They're I'm Mark... And syndicate113. Both of them are bully's towards other people and they stick their head into everything they are not apart of. First of all i used to be bffs with this bully. First his lousy bff comes and bullies me. Then syndicate bullies by bff Ronet. In the end she bullies my sister. WAT A BULLY. And trust me i have proof :p
Here i expressed my feelings by saying he's an attention seeker (which he is). Again he puts me in his status.
In the next pic syndicate is bullying a boy who had his ex-gf. HEY SYN, IF UR GF DOESNT WANT U THEN DON'T BULLY UR EX'S NEW BF -.-
Anyway, i have other pics also, pls have a look at them and understand.
Thank You, Bye (: